Organic social media posts are anything your company posts on social media, not including any paid advertising. Organic social media is also known as free or unpaid marketing, which means that it does not involve paying for ads in order to promote your business and products. This type of marketing campaign consists of posting content about your company’s brand, product, services, and events on various platforms without paid content.

Organic social media posts are usually shared by users who like what they see and then are hopefully shared with their friends. These shares help spread awareness about your brand, increase traffic to your website, and boost sales. 

The main difference between paid and organic social media campaigns is how your resources are spent. There is a lower cost through organic social media efforts, but it requires more time and attention than paid media.

One of the main aspects you’ll need to know about organic social media posts is that people tend to trust websites and other forms of publications that are frequently updated instead of those that publish less often. For this reason, you’ll want a strategy to direct your focus on publishing daily or weekly videos rather than monthly blog posts in order to keep your audience interested over a longer period of time.

Types of Organic Posts

There are many different kinds of posts available on various social media platforms. These include status updates, sharing visual content, leaving comments, or sharing your own thoughts. Let’s dive into those.

Status Updates

These are short messages posted for your followers to see. They’re great because they allow you to keep up-to-date with all of your followers’ activities, but make sure that you post something interesting so that your audience will want to read more from you. 

An example for a business could be announcements for events or new products. Or it could be about fun services or new team members.

Sharing Visual Content

This involves uploading photos or videos directly to social media platforms. It allows businesses to interact with customers through images and video rather than just text. If you upload high-quality visual content, then this could lead to increased engagement with your page.

Leaving Comments

If you leave comments on blogs or articles relating to your industry, you’ll get noticed much quicker. When commenting, always remember to add value to others by providing useful information. Some great platforms for more education-based content are Linkedin and Instagram.

Infographic describing organic social media post

Sharing Your Thoughts

Sharing thoughts that relate to your business or mission can be very casual depending on your business’ voice. Twitter is one of the most popular ways to communicate via social networking sites and tweets are ways to share your thoughts in a condensed fashion.

Although tweets aren’t very effective if used alone, they do work well within a larger campaign. Try tweeting links to blog posts, special offers, and even customer reviews as well.

Impact of Organic Social Media On Businesses

There are plenty of reasons why companies focus on organic social media campaigns, sometimes overpaid social campaigns. The biggest one is that they are just your time. No added expenses and when you have professionals and your expertise, it makes everything simpler. 

  • Increased Visibility: As mentioned above, organic social media posts reach audiences based on popularity and how relatable it is to your audience. Therefore, the more active your account is, the higher chance your posts have of being seen.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Google places a lot of emphasis on how regularly and consistently your site is updated. So, the more the time and effort you put into creating quality content, the better off you’ll be with regard to SEO leading to outranking your competition.
  • More Interactions: People love interacting with brands on social networks. By encouraging interactions, you give visitors the opportunity to engage with your brand beyond simply “liking” your page.This can boost virality and even increase your brand loyalty with your engaged audience.
  • Lower Cost per Acquisition: CPA refers to the cost per action. In simple terms, it measures how much money advertisers spend to acquire a single visitor. Organic social media can generate leads without paying any upfront fees like paid advertisement campaigns.
  • Higher Conversion Rate: According to research, companies which use social media for marketing achieve approximately 20% higher conversions compared to non-social campaigns. This means that every dollar spent on social media advertising generates $1.20 worth of sales and that can be a big increase in profits.

Tips for Organic Social Media Posts

Here are 8 tips for getting started with making organic social media posts and campaigns. If you want to find more ways to improve your company, there is something simple you can do, schedule a consultation and get expert advice.

Use Keywords Wisely

Make sure that you include relevant keywords throughout your profile description and cover photo. This helps people find you easily. Also, don’t forget to check what other users are saying about your company online.

Create An Engaging Profile

Your profile needs to look professional and inviting. Include plenty of eye-catching visuals like logos, product shots, and screenshots. Another tip is to add an image next to every update you publish too.

Post Frequently

It can be difficult to post daily, but you should aim for at least 3 times per week. The frequency will depend on your niche. If you have tons of time to manage the campaign you can be posting up to three times per day.

Respond to Feedback

Don’t ignore feedback, even if it’s negative, respond as soon as possible so that you can improve your reputation. By responding or acting on the message, it can show other people that you have good customer service and are caring about feedback. 

Be Authentic

People want to connect with genuine individuals who share their interests. If you try to fake things or pretend to be someone else, then no one will take you seriously. Be yourself!

Include CTAs

When posting on platforms, make sure that there’s something in each post that encourages readers to click through to another website or to perform some sort of action. For example, you could link to a specific landing page where interested parties can sign up for further information.

Add Value to Your Audience

People enjoy sharing valuable content. Make sure that all of your updates contain useful information that others would benefit from reading. You should always add links back to your own websites and blog pages when appropriate.

Keep track

It’s important to keep track of everything that happens on your social network accounts. Use tools such as Hootsuite or Buffer to monitor activity across multiple platforms simultaneously. It enables you to manage different types of activities, including likes, Tweets, Instagram comments, and shares.

Wrap Up

Social media marketing has become very popular over the past few years because it allows businesses to reach out directly to customers. Organic social media campaigns are focused on giving quality content to your audience and getting them engaged on the platform. It is done best with a paid campaign to go with it, but both are good for building audiences and authority in your industry.

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